Drew Salyer – beDRIVEN with Drive Team


Drew is the owner of Drive Team, husband and father of three, former college athlete, and the man who did the most pull-ups this year in our fitness challenge. 

Bourbon: E.H. Taylor

This is our first podcast in our new location in the upstairs of the Drive Team warehouse!
Drew started working at Drive Team when he was in high school. He came back to work at the company after college and is now the owner of the company. 
The company’s mission is to get everyone home safely at night.
His default tends to be to work and his wife helps him find balance in work and life. 

His advice for those that are aspiring to be leaders is to get to know the business inside and out and build deep relationships with those you work with.

Drew and Andrew played football together and CVCA and he went on the plan competitive baseball in college. Our bodies are made for the kingdom and to honor God, so it’s important to stay in decent shape. 
When starting a business, many people think they need a big investment and facility to make it work. Figure out what you love, solve a problem, and start with one person. 
His advice to any younger entrepreneur is “if you work at getting better your clients will require you to get bigger”

As a business owner, delegation and trust are needed to build a team that can be productive and allows you to get time off. 

A favorite family movie right now is Zootopia

He also coaches his kids in baseball and loves to see kids learning the game and having fun. As a coach, it’s important to set the standard in what your goals are for the season. That way you can provide direction to the kids and parents if need be. 

Resource recommendations:
Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle
Extreme Ownership: by Jocko Willink
Learning to Lead Like Jesus