Being driven has been a “something I was born with” asset since the beginning. I have always been competitive with sports growing up. I had Ricky Bobby’s dad, from Talladega Nights, voice in my head all the time saying, “If you ain’t first you’re last.” That mentality has been a great asset in my life, but just like in the … Read More



by anonymous Absolutely not. No way. That is the last thing I was able to do. Instead, fight until the end, until the last breath, yadda, yadda, yadda.  I’m a guy who has been largely successful in my own little corner of the world. And while I’ve been a Christian for nearly 20 years, I have always thought that my … Read More

Pain of Discipline or Pain of Regret


by Joey Jenkins I heard this powerful quote from Jim Rohn many years ago that still rings true to me today. “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” I don’t know about you, but this quote rings painfully true … Read More

Motive Check


I recently started a new job. I wasn’t really looking for anything new when a friend approached me with the opportunity. From that point, everything happened within the span of 3 weeks – from initial discussion to an offer, to starting my first day. The company that I left has been growing significantly over the last few years and doesn’t … Read More

Pulling Together


Before Mike, Andrew, Matt and I began the podcast, we were just four friends that held each other accountable and cheered each other on with our fitness, our actions, our family life, our time with God, and so much more. That’s still a huge part of what we do. We recently competed in a firetruck pull event for charity. It … Read More

New Beginnings


The new school year kicked off for my kids a few weeks ago but the complaining every morning is still fresh in my ears after dropping them off. Why do we need to go? It’s boring! I don’t want to sit at a desk all day. Can’t I stay home just today? Starting a new school year is hard. Heck, … Read More



The only thing constant in life is change Heraclitus Our goal at Core4Life is to embrace change. In fact, we based our whole premise as a company/podcast on it – check out our mission statement on the homepage. We want to see changes in ourselves in order to improve our lives and the lives of those around us. However, we … Read More

Clear Mind – Read a Book

MattbeDRIVEN, Book Reviews

As you pulled away from the distractions you probably began to feel freed up to think and ponder new ideas of your own. Instead of constantly consuming news, social media, tv shows, and other low levels of entertainment, you began to think more about things that are truly important to you. Clearing your mind creates space for the consumption of … Read More



This word has been on my mind a lot for the last few years. If you’ve listened to our podcasts, you’ve probably heard me say this statement on a number of different occasions (I’ll try to make this the last)… “Success is not what I’ve done compared to what others have done. Success is what I have done compared to … Read More

Quick Hits – beDRIVEN Toward His Purpose

RyanbeDRIVEN, Podcasts

This is the second of a four-part Quick Hits series where we’ll dig deeper into each of our Core4 pillars. Today we’ll talk about our beDRIVEN pillar. A lot of people are driven today, but what are they actually driving towards? Our goal, as Christians is to do everything we do for the glory of God and His purpose, which … Read More