Relationships 101


Relationships are SO important.  Wow – such a profound statement, right?  This blog has me thinking about this as top of mind recently based on the phase of life I find myself in.  Plus, some recent happenings have also been placed at the top of my mind as well. A friend of mine passed not too long ago. It was heartbreaking … Read More



I got to go on a dream vacation this year with my wife and another couple. We left the kids behind and got into the sun in Mexico at an all-inclusive resort. 80 degrees and sunny every day – all you can eat and drink. We played volleyball and lounged around the pool all day. It was perfect…… for the … Read More



by anonymous Absolutely not. No way. That is the last thing I was able to do. Instead, fight until the end, until the last breath, yadda, yadda, yadda.  I’m a guy who has been largely successful in my own little corner of the world. And while I’ve been a Christian for nearly 20 years, I have always thought that my … Read More

Pain of Discipline or Pain of Regret


by Joey Jenkins I heard this powerful quote from Jim Rohn many years ago that still rings true to me today. “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” I don’t know about you, but this quote rings painfully true … Read More

Motive Check


I recently started a new job. I wasn’t really looking for anything new when a friend approached me with the opportunity. From that point, everything happened within the span of 3 weeks – from initial discussion to an offer, to starting my first day. The company that I left has been growing significantly over the last few years and doesn’t … Read More

God Space – Part 2

MikebeNOBLE, Book Reviews

In my first blog about God Space I talked about the “WHY” behind sharing the gospel. In this one, I wanted to spend a little bit of time talking about the “WHO” and the “HOW.” The WHO is pretty simple, right? Everyone in our lives who doesn’t know Jesus as their savior and is living a life apart from Him. … Read More

The Rise and Fall of American Churches

MikebeNOBLE, Book Reviews

This blog is in response to the podcast, “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill,” but I think applies to many similarities that are happening throughout churches all across America. I want to preface this blog with a couple of things… I haven’t even finished all of the episodes of this podcast yet from Christianity Today, but had a few … Read More

Counting Your Blessings/Giving Thanks


 The Holiday season is right around the corner and I’m already feeling the stress. Meals to cook, families to host, presents to buy, work to wrap up before vacation. This time of year that should, in theory, be relaxing and a great time to reconnect, tends to be more stressful than almost any other time for me. One reason the … Read More

Pulling Together


Before Mike, Andrew, Matt and I began the podcast, we were just four friends that held each other accountable and cheered each other on with our fitness, our actions, our family life, our time with God, and so much more. That’s still a huge part of what we do. We recently competed in a firetruck pull event for charity. It … Read More

God Space

MikebeNOBLE, Book Reviews

I’m going to start sharing some thoughts from a book I’m going through by Doug Pollock called God Space. This blog is almost a pre-cursor to some deeper context I hope to dive into. There seems to be a bit of a theme to my posts now. Not going to apologize for it, because I’ve figured 1 thing out in … Read More