Quick Hits – We’re Called to beNOBLE

RyanbeNOBLE, Podcasts

This is the third of a four-part Quick Hits series where we’ll dig deeper into each of our Core4 pillars. Today we’ll talk about our beNOBLE pillar. Why should we care about other people? Why did we choose to dedicate one of our pillars to helping others and taking the focus off ourselves?  Join us as we talk about what … Read More

Quick Hits – beDRIVEN Toward His Purpose

RyanbeDRIVEN, Podcasts

This is the second of a four-part Quick Hits series where we’ll dig deeper into each of our Core4 pillars. Today we’ll talk about our beDRIVEN pillar. A lot of people are driven today, but what are they actually driving towards? Our goal, as Christians is to do everything we do for the glory of God and His purpose, which … Read More

Quick Hits – beFIT for the Kingdom

RyanbeFIT, Podcasts

This is the first of a four-part Quick Hits series where we’ll dig deeper into each of our Core4 pillars. Up first is our beFIT pillar. We call this one “beFIT for the Kingdom” because ultimately, everything we do should be to build up God’s Kingdom; even our fitness. Join us as we talk about what the pillar represents to … Read More