Pain of Discipline or Pain of Regret


by Joey Jenkins

I heard this powerful quote from Jim Rohn many years ago that still rings true to me today. “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” I don’t know about you, but this quote rings painfully true in my life, and I’ve seen its power and reality in many of my closest friends and family as well.

I believe it is in our small and seemingly insignificant daily decisions that our success or failure comes. Our daily habits and behaviors shape the trajectory of our careers and relationships. The decision of whether to cut that extra corner at work or spend an extra 15 minutes of company time on Facebook instead of that tedious project. The decision to half-heartedly do the kid’s bedtime routine as quickly as possible so my wife and I can get back to binging our latest T.V. show (a painful regret of mine with our three kids). The decision to drink that extra glass of whiskey or go back for a second bowl of ice cream to escape from the stresses and cares of life for just a little bit longer.

Life is full of micro-decisions that shape our destiny. Apologizing when it’s painful is a discipline that weighs ounces. Failing to apologize throughout the years is probably going to weigh tons and have severe consequences on your closest and most treasured relationships.

Each life is sacred. When you think about the uniqueness of each person and what only you can give to the world, the impact and power of your decisions become more real. There is no one else in the world who has your unique story, passions, experience, and skill set. When you combine all those things together, you have the power to impact specific people in a way that I never could (and vice versa).

Accept the reality that you matter, and therefore the small decisions you make every day matter a great deal more than you probably realize. Then surround yourself with a group of people that will encourage and challenge you to become the person you were created to be.

Dream Big. Act Small.