Podcast Episode 9 – Pete Stancato from Nosotros Rock Climbing Gym


Core4Life Podcast #9 – Featuring Pete Stancato – Founder of Nosotros rock climbing gym in Lakewood and Cleveland

BourbonCleveland Bourbon

beDRIVEN: Pete had worked a series of jobs before opening a rock climbing gym. From sales to social work and youth ministry he always felt that people didn’t want to talk with him. He wanted to start a business where people wanted to come together and enjoy being around each other.
Despite sending his business plan around to friend and family no one wanted to invest in his gym concept. After 7 years, his wife agreed to let him sink their savings into opening the first gym. 
Treating people exceptionally well and making people feel like they belong is the main focus of the gym. He has created a space to build community and allow people to thrive in a friendly atmosphere.

beNOBLE: The Nosotros mission statement was to heal households (physical, mental, social, faithful). The Air Force incorporates faith into their four pillars of a strong airman and Pete uses the same concept for his gym as well.  
To incorporate his faith, the gym has a prayer request wall that members can share requests and Pete will personally pray for each of them as well as conducting a Christmas Eve Eve service each year. Creating a non-judgmental environment to simply love others where they are at is at the core of how they gym operates.
The Cleveland location had its windows smashed during the recent protest against racial injustice. Rather than complain or stay silent he looked at the bigger picture of people hurting and tried to turn it into a positive by selling T-shirts and giving the proceeds away. Turning the other cheek and choosing love instead of anger was a much better response.

beCHILL: Pete’s goal is to be home every night from work by 5:30 to have dinner with his family. He strives to honor his family commitments and be a business man that has a great family life as well as success in business. He does not want to repeat the same mistakes that he has seen in his family’s past. 
Going forward Pete would like to work out and climb more each day. The business is still young and right now he spends much more time reading and sending emails than he would like to.

beFIT: Pete has a little time to lift weights during the week but has a family history of heart attacks and wants to mix in more cardio work. Pete played rugby in college and almost got paralyzed playing in California.