The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
Day 31: Understanding your shape
- Last 3:
- Exploring your abilities
- Every ability can be used for God’s glory
- They can also be used to sin, which is why we need to focus on God’s Word
- Examine what you’re good at and what you’re not good at
- Using your personality
- Again, we are all uniquely made
- Will affect how and where we use our spiritual gifts and abilities
- Employing your experiences
- 6 kinds:
- Family – what did you learn growing up?
- Educational – what were your favorite subjects?
- Vocational – what jobs have you been most effective in and enjoyed the most?
- Spiritual – what have been your most meaningful times with God?
- Ministry – how have you served God in the past?
- Painful – what problems, hurts, thorns and trials have you learned from?
- This is the one that God uses the most
- God intentionally allows you to go through painful experiences to minister to others
- 6 kinds:
- Exploring your abilities
- Ending:
- Nobody else can be
- 1 Peter 4:10
- What God given ability or personal experience can I offer to my church?
Day 32: Using what God gave you
- Confirm your spiritual gifts and natural abilities with others
- See what comes naturally to you in different areas of service
- Consider your heart and personality – what do you really like doing most?
- Examine your experiences
- Accept and enjoy your shape – 2 reasons why you should never compare to someone else
- You’ll always find someone who seems to be doing better than you and you’ll get discouraged
- You’ll find someone not doing as well and you’ll be filled with pride
- Ending:
- God deserves my best
- 2 Timothy 2:15
- How can I make the best use of what God has given me?
Day 33: How real servants act
- Characteristics of being a real servant:
- Make yourself available to serve – do what’s needed when it’s needed
- Pay attention to needs
- Do your best with what you have
- Do every task with equal dedication
- Faithful to your ministry – commit to serve and follow through
- Maintain a low profile – humility
- Ending:
- I serve God by serving others
- Matt 10:42
- Which of the characteristics of being a real servant is the most challenging to me?
Day 34: Thinking like a servant
- Real servants serve God with a mindset of attitudes
- Think more about others than themselves – again, not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less
- Think like stewards, not owners – it’s all God’s, we are just managing it for him
- Think about their work, not what others are doing – trust God and keep serving
- Base their identities in Christ – this will free you from the expectations of others
- Think of ministry as an opportunity not an obligation – we’ve been saved only by grace, serve as such
- Ending:
- To be a servant, I must think like a servant
- Phil. 2:5
- Am I more concerned about being served or finding ways to serve others?
Day 35: God’s power in weakness
- Follow the model of Paul
- Admit your weaknesses
- Be content with your weaknesses – Paul gives several reasons why:
- They cause us to depend on God – the less I have, the more I depend on God
- Prevent arrogance – major weaknesses are often attached to a major strength
- Encourages fellowship between believers
- Honestly share your weaknesses – relieves stress, diffuses fears and is the first step to freedom
- Glory in your weaknesses – causes us to lean on God in all circumstances
- Ending:
- God works best amid weakness
- 2 Chor 12:9a
- Am I limiting God’s power in my life by trying to hide my weaknesses? What do I need to be honest about in order to help others?