beFIT – Andrew
Recovery is an often overlooked part of staying fit. When you work your body hard, it takes time to recover and build back stronger. As you age, it’s more important to focus on recovery to allow yourself to continue to perform well. I found this stretch routine recently and have been trying to do it a few times a week.

It’s designed to help with your lower back and overall flexibility. I have really felt a difference in my back and wanted to share.
The only equipment you need is a foam roller and a lacrosse ball.
–Limber 11 Routine–
- Foam Roller IT Band
- Roam Roller Adductors
- SMR Glutes (lax ball)
- Bent knee Iron Cross
- Rollovers into V-sits
- Rocking Frog Stretch
- Fire Hydrant Circles
- Mountain Climbers
- Cossack Squats Seated Performs Stretch
- Rear Foot Elevated Hip Flexor Stretch
- Foam Roller IT Band
- Roam Roller Adductors
- SMR Glutes (lax ball)
- Bent knee Iron Cross
- Rollovers into V-sits
- Rocking Frog Stretch
- Fire Hydrant Circles
- Mountain Climbers
- Cossack Squats
- Seated Performs Stretch
- Rear Foot Elevated Hip Flexor Stretch
Give this routine a try and let us know if you notice any difference in your flexibility or recover.
beDRIVEN – Ryan
Is anybody else ready for this year to end?
If this year has taught me anything, it’s the importance of connection. Through all of these lockdowns, we’re seeing an increase in depression, anxiety, domestic violence, and suicide. Why is that? I believe it’s primarily because we’re not built for solitude, we’re built for community:
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:24-25

Ok… so, we’re built for connection, but we’re not supposed to leave our house unless necessary. What are we supposed to do? That issue is why I’m writing this for the beDRIVEN pillar – It’s going to take drive to find that connection.
Reach out to your friends on Zoom. Find a friend who’s willing to meet (safely) on a regular basis and lean into that relationship. Wear a mask and attend a church service in person.
There are still ways to have fellowship, you may just need to get a little creative and have the drive to make it work. Keep reading as Mike outlines some ways to build up the relationships that you have.
beNOBLE – Mike
I’m going to stick with the purpose driven life theme. One thing that is more important than ever with some of the struggles we have all dealt with in 2020 is cultivating community and experiencing life together with people that are in a similar life stage as you are. Rick Warren described 9 characteristics of Biblical fellowship that go a long way in building those relationships…
- Authenticity – take risks, confess faults, sins, pain – pray for each other
- Mutuality – depend on each other, encourage each other
- Sympathy – share in the pain with others, support each other
- Mercy – offer it and receive it. Don’t hold grudges, forgive. God has shown us more mercy than we ever could
- Honesty – need to be honest with yourself and with others, confront others for their sin without being judgmental
- Humility – pride builds walls, humility builds bridges
- Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less
- Courtesy – be kind to all, even when some may be EGR’s (extra grace required 😉)
- Confidentiality – what happens in the group stays in the group
- Frequency – meet together consistently, even when you don’t feel like it
A couple points to ponder:
- I need others in my life
- Real community requires commitment
Verses to read:
So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.
Romans 12:5
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
1 John 3:16
Questions to ask:
What one step can I take today to connect more deeply with another believer on a heart to heart level?
How can I help cultivate today the characteristics of community in my small group and my church?
beCHILL – Matt
I am a big fan of real Christmas trees. I love the imperfect nature of their shape rather than the designer tree out of a box. I love inviting friends and family to come along on the hunt to find the right one. I love cutting it down and the amazingly fresh pine smell that instantly hits your nose. I like driving home with the tree on top of the car and the smiles, thumbs up and waves from strangers and neighbors on the drive home.

I also like that there is some level of unpredictability with each tree. The trunk is never completely straight which makes setting it up an impossible task. Will the tree fall over in the middle of the night? Will it lose all its needles by Christmas morning? Will we find an old bird’s nest buried in the center?

Real Christmas trees remind me a little bit of people. We all have our faults and our lives are at times unpredictable. We are each unique and have a story to tell. Why not start a new family tradition this year and bring home a real tree. Invite your friends and family to join in on the adventure. Let the tree be a reminder that we are far from perfect but still capable of bringing joy, hope and love to others regardless of our flaws.