Volunteer Time


You don’t have to look very hard to see that our world has a lot of brokenness and pain. We chose beNOBLE as one of our core pillars because we want to do our part to give back and help others. We don’t do this perfectly but we want to keep this at the forefront of our minds and make … Read More

Thoughts from Sabbatical


The beChill pillar reminds us to relax and not take ourselves too seriously. Smell the roses, laugh, and just enjoy this gift of life we have been given. I am on a sabbatical from work for the month of June and have been trying to “chill” as much as possible. I work for a company that understands the need to … Read More

Core4Life Book Review

AndrewbeDRIVEN, Book Reviews

What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast: A Short Guide to Making Over Your Mornings–and Life By: Laura Vanderkam When your boss recommends a book for you to read, it’s usually in your best interest to at least give it a cursory review. Out of the three books he recommended, I chose Vanderkam’s because it was the shortest. As … Read More

Podcasts to keep us Driven


I love a good podcast and apparently so do a lot of other people. There has been an explosion of wonderful podcasts in the last decade that entertain, inform, and educate us on a wide variety of topics. At Core4Life we recently launched our own podcast and have been having a blast recording them. We hope you find the content … Read More

Take Control of Your Finances


One area that many of us would like to improve is our relationship with money. How and what we spend our money on can be a source of stress in our everyday lives. Below are links to some helpful resources to take back control of your finances and future. Dave Ramsey has been a leading voice in personal finance for … Read More