On Mission with Dan Blechschmid


Dan Blechschmid volunteered to serve with Samaritan’s Purse on their Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) after hearing our past guest, Brock Kreitzberg, talk about the work that they were doing. He shared with us his history and heart for missions, both domestic and international, as well as some of the most impactful stories that he saw while deployed in war-torn Ukraine. Resources: Radical … Read More

Critical State of Education: Parents Beware with Joe Weigel


The Core4 (minus one) sit down with our friend, and author, Joe Weigel, to discuss his new book and the current state of schools in the USA. Order Joe’s book here – The Critical State of Education: How Classical Education Can Defeat Critical Marxism

A Very Core4 Christmas – 2022


The Core4 wraps up the year by sitting down to talk through our highlights from 2022. We discuss our favorite Core4 moments, favorite books, fitness highlights, and more! We also provide a sneak peek at the 2023 Core4Life Pillar Challenge that you can jump into from anywhere! Just click this link to join our Facebook group and get in on the challenge!

Everyone’s a Random Until They’re Not with the Berthiaumes


Are you afraid of flying? Do you write your “will” on a random piece of paper and sign it to make it “official” when you’re traveling? Apparently you’re not alone… Listen in to this hysterical conversation with Justin and Kristin Berthiaume! We talked about listening to God’s calling, chatting with door-to-door Mormons, real estate, coming back to the faith, and … Read More

Relationships 101


Relationships are SO important.  Wow – such a profound statement, right?  This blog has me thinking about this as top of mind recently based on the phase of life I find myself in.  Plus, some recent happenings have also been placed at the top of my mind as well. A friend of mine passed not too long ago. It was heartbreaking … Read More

God Straightens What Satan Twists with Joey Jenkins


Joey Jenkins is one of the most driven people that we know! Listen in as he talks about where that drive comes from, the challenges that he’s faced in his life, how he regularly wrestles with God, and how he learned that God will straighten what satan twists.  This is a hugely impactful episode that you won’t want to miss! … Read More



Being driven has been a “something I was born with” asset since the beginning. I have always been competitive with sports growing up. I had Ricky Bobby’s dad, from Talladega Nights, voice in my head all the time saying, “If you ain’t first you’re last.” That mentality has been a great asset in my life, but just like in the … Read More

Over the Wall, Boys! with Justin Dodson


This is a truly inspiring episode that you don’t want to miss! Our good friend, Justin Dodson, walks us through his journey from full-time college ministry to a sales job. The ups, the downs, and everything in between. If you’ve ever been out of a job, or felt lost at times, this episode is for you. Justin also gives some … Read More



I got to go on a dream vacation this year with my wife and another couple. We left the kids behind and got into the sun in Mexico at an all-inclusive resort. 80 degrees and sunny every day – all you can eat and drink. We played volleyball and lounged around the pool all day. It was perfect…… for the … Read More