Faith in the Workplace – Police Officer with Travis Ebetino


In this first follow-up episode to our latest podcast – Faith in the Workplace – Jarrod interviews police officer Travis Ebetino. Travis heard the gospel in a clear and powerful way in college which sent him on a journey of sharing Jesus wherever God takes him. God has led him on multiple overseas deployments and he also currently serves as … Read More

Faith in the Workplace with the Core4 + Jarrod Williams


Core4 + Pastor Jarrod Williams is finally happening! And it’s everything he’s always dreamed of. In this series, Jarrod will interview people from all walks of life and find out how they integrate their faith into their day-to-day life and their livelihoods. We’re kicking off this awesome series with the 4 Ps of faith in the workplace – Point, Problems, … Read More

Through the Wardrobe with Joe Weigel


We sit down with our good friend and frequent guest, Joe Weigel. He’s quickly becoming a top scholar on the life and works of C.S. Lewis. Join us as we discuss that and more on this episode.

A Life of Discipleship with Tom Chamberlin


It’s been a while but we hope you’re ready for a great episode featuring Tom Chamberlin – Discipleship Pastor at Riverwood Chapel in Stow, OH. We talk through the various paths of discipleship, what it means to be a disciple, and the potential dangers of AI.

2023 Wrap Up


We finish 2023 with some final thoughts on the events of the year including where we’ve seen God move in our lives, things that we want to focus on going into 2024, and how we plan to be “On Mission”. We also discuss the recent passage of Issue 1 in Ohio. What that means for Christians and how we need … Read More

2 Truths and a Lie with Pastor Jarrod Williams


Our first three-time guest is back on the mics with us – Pastor Jarrod Williams! We kick off the episode with the classic game – 2 truths and a lie – with some pretty hilarious results. Then we dig into some more serious topics including Alpha Course, Jarrod’s recent pastoral sabbatical, counseling, and finish up the episode with some discussion … Read More

Our thoughts on: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry


The Core4 are finally back together again! We sit down to discuss John Mark Comer’s book, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry. It’s a challenging read that pushes back against some of the prevailing attitudes in our culture right now when it comes to success, drive, and time management. Do we think hurry should be ruthlessly eliminated? Tune in to find out!

On Mission with Dan Blechschmid


Dan Blechschmid volunteered to serve with Samaritan’s Purse on their Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) after hearing our past guest, Brock Kreitzberg, talk about the work that they were doing. He shared with us his history and heart for missions, both domestic and international, as well as some of the most impactful stories that he saw while deployed in war-torn Ukraine. Resources: Radical … Read More

Critical State of Education: Parents Beware with Joe Weigel


The Core4 (minus one) sit down with our friend, and author, Joe Weigel, to discuss his new book and the current state of schools in the USA. Order Joe’s book here – The Critical State of Education: How Classical Education Can Defeat Critical Marxism