New Beginnings


The new school year kicked off for my kids a few weeks ago but the complaining every morning is still fresh in my ears after dropping them off. Why do we need to go? It’s boring! I don’t want to sit at a desk all day. Can’t I stay home just today? Starting a new school year is hard. Heck, … Read More

The Cross


In my last few blogs, I’ve talked a lot about living a life as a follower of Jesus. But why listen to any of it if Jesus is a fraud. Because that’s really your option. Either Jesus is who He says He was…God and our savior; or he’s a fraud, a mad man, and a lunatic. Those are your 2 … Read More



This word has been on my mind a lot for the last few years. If you’ve listened to our podcasts, you’ve probably heard me say this statement on a number of different occasions (I’ll try to make this the last)… “Success is not what I’ve done compared to what others have done. Success is what I have done compared to … Read More

Quick Hits – We’re Called to beNOBLE

RyanbeNOBLE, Podcasts

This is the third of a four-part Quick Hits series where we’ll dig deeper into each of our Core4 pillars. Today we’ll talk about our beNOBLE pillar. Why should we care about other people? Why did we choose to dedicate one of our pillars to helping others and taking the focus off ourselves?  Join us as we talk about what … Read More



In my last post; I talked about the difference between “worldly” blessings that are all based around things that ultimately won’t have any impact on eternity, vs kingdom blessings – blessings that bring us and others closer to God. These kingdom blessings can often times be disguised at first as hardships and trials we are going through, but ultimately are … Read More



I had the opportunity to attend a men’s conference in our church this past weekend. Ax throwing, knocker balls, bonfires and most importantly teaching from the Bible. It has been several years since I attended something like this and it was long overdue. It was so refreshing to simply be with other people that are striving to grow in their … Read More



I think everyone can agree; this is a term that gets thrown around in many different ways in today’s culture. But what does it really mean when we use the phrase, “I’m blessed”? I’d say more often than not it’s related to some earthly treasure that has nothing to do with actually growing our relationship closer to Christ. Whether that … Read More

Easter Thoughts


When I truly stop and think about all that Jesus did for me, it really blows my mind. Fully knowing that I am a messed-up sinner and guilty of breaking his commandments in numerous ways every day, he still chose to lay down his life for me.  When we talk about our beNOBLE and beDRIVEN pillars, there is no better … Read More

Clear Mind – Introduction & Step #1


We live in an age of endless distraction and loss of focus. When I have a bad week, typically it is not because I did not work hard or apply myself to good things. The week was wasted because I was distracted and did not accomplish what I truly desired. I absolutely hate the feeling that I dropped the ball. … Read More

Teaching Responsibility with Pets


My kids have been asking for pets of their own for quite a while. We, well… I, have been a little reluctant to make that happen. My primary concern has always been that the pets will quickly lose their luster in the eyes of the kids and fall to my wife and me to take care of. It’s a legitimate … Read More