Clear Mind – Organize


Over the past few weeks, I’ve been confronted with my lack of organization. First, while doing a recent podcast and sharing my zoom screen with the Core4Life crew +Guest, someone mentioned the massive number of unread emails in my personal inbox (Thanks Dan…). Later that week, when my IT manager at work was installing updates on my computer, he kindly … Read More

Clear Mind – Collect Your Thoughts


Creating space to think has been the primary focus in attaining a clear mind thus far. Curating information turns a corner down the path of focusing on things that are most important to us. If we stopped at this point, I think we would miss the opportunity to create, share, and log the progress that we have made; so let’s … Read More

Quick Hits – Be Still. beCHILL

MikebeCHILL, Podcasts

This is the final episode of a four-part Quick Hits series where we dig deeper into each of our Core4 pillars. Today we’ll talk about our beCHILL pillar. What does it mean to #beCHILL? Why did we include that as one of our core pillars? Join us as we talk about what the pillar represents to us, how we put … Read More

Clear Mind – Eliminate the Noise


If you’ve been following along with my ‘Clear Mind’ series so far, you are well-rested and have begun to clean out some of the clutter that has crowded you out and bogged you down. Our energy is on the uptick and we have physical space to starting making things happen. Nice work! Let’s take another step together. We live in … Read More

Clear Mind – Step #2: Get Rid of Stuff


First off, I hope you feel well rested and ready to tackle the next Clear Mind objective. Let’s put that extra energy to good use. It is springtime which means many of you have been getting the itch to spring clean. About two weeks ago, spring cleaning hit my house. Room by room we sifted through the piles of junk … Read More

Season 1 Whiskey List


Season 1 of the Core4Life podcast was a blast and I don’t think any of us thought we were going to end up with 40 episodes! We got to talk with a ton of awesome guests and grew immensely through the process. Outside of all that learning, we always tried a new whiskey for each interview, and below is a … Read More

How-to: Build your own light poles


Our church, Redemption Chapel, has an outdoor men’s event coming up this week. I was tasked with running the knocker-ball station. If you haven’t seen knocker-balls before, here you go: Part of my task also involved getting some sort of lighting so that we can see who gets blasted to the moon in their knocker-ball deep into the night. The … Read More

Clear Mind – Introduction & Step #1


We live in an age of endless distraction and loss of focus. When I have a bad week, typically it is not because I did not work hard or apply myself to good things. The week was wasted because I was distracted and did not accomplish what I truly desired. I absolutely hate the feeling that I dropped the ball. … Read More



I recently got a chance to take a quick trip with some buddies to do one of my favorite winter activities: Skiing. The trip was everything I was hoping it would be. Fun drive. Good food. Great runs. It was raining when we got there but soon stopped and we had the place to ourselves for a large portion of … Read More

Throwback Movies for Kids!


It’s raining outside for the 10th day in a row and the kid’s feet haven’t touched the ground in the past 10 hours. You finished cleaning up after dinner but there is still so much time before bedtime routines kick in. How will you (and your kids) survive the next 90 minutes? There is only one safe solution… MOVIE NIGHT! … Read More