The Purpose Driven Life (Days 21-25)

MikeBook Reviews

The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren

Day 21: Protecting your church

  • 6 ways to do this:
    • Focus on what we have in common, not our differences
      • 1 Lord, 1 faith, 1 purpose
      • Personal differences should never influence these things
    • Be realistic in your expectations
      • Love the church despite the imperfections
      • Reconciliation, not running is the road to stronger character and deeper fellowship
    • Choose to encourage rather than criticize
      • Judging another believer brings about 4 things:
        • You lose fellowship with God
        • You expose your own pride and insecurity
        • You set yourself up to be judged by God
        • You harm the fellowship of the church
      • My only comment here is that within your close group of friends, you should judge when you see a pattern of sin that needs to be brought into the light in a nurturing way to help that friend
    • Refuse to listen to gossip
    • Practice God’s method for conflict resolution:
      • Go tell them personally. They won’t listen…
      • Bring 1 or 2 others. Still won’t listen…
      • Tell the church
    • Support your pastors and leaders
  • Ending:
    • It is my responsibility to protect the unity of my church
    • Rom 14:19
    • What am I personally doing to protect unity in my church family right now?

Purpose 3: You were created to become like Christ

Day 22: Created to become like Christ

  • Life is not about us, it’s about what we can do for God
  • Becoming more like Christ is called sanctification
  • We grow closer through trials
  • Paul explains in Ephesians our 3 responsibilities to become more like Christ:
    • Choose to let go of all ways of acting like the world
    • Change the way we think – transformed by the ways of our mind
    • Put on the character of Christ by developing Godly habits
      • Study and apply God’s Word
      • Connect regularly with other believers
      • Trust God in difficult circumstances
  • It is a long, slow progress, so don’t get weary, keep pursuing
  • Ending:
    • You were created to become like Christ
    • 2 Cor 3:18b
    • In what area of your life do you need to ask for the Spirit’s power to be more like Christ today?

Day 23: How We Grow

  • We become what we’re committed to
  • To become like Christ, you must learn to act in new ways:
    • Let go of old routines
    • Develop new habits
    • Intentionally change the way you think
  • Must rely on Christ to get this done, not on ourselves
  • Think of others, not yourself
  • Ending:
    • It is never too late to start growing
    • Rom 12:2b
    • What is one area that you need to stop thinking your way and start thinking God’s way?

Day 24: Transformed by Truth

  • Choose the Bible as your ultimate truth
  • Assimilate its truth – fill your mind with it to truly be transformed
    • Receive it
      • Listen to it openly
      • Humbly welcome it into your life
    • Read it
      • If you read it 15 minutes a day you’ll read through it in a year
      • How can you expect to grow spiritually if you don’t get into the Word
      • Create a plan
    • Research it
      • Ask questions on the text
      • Write down your insights
    • Remember it
      • You remember what is important to you
      • Many benefits to memorizing scripture
    • Reflect on it
      • Biblical meditation – focused thinking
      • If you know how to worry, you know how to meditate, only this is focusing on the negative
  • Apply these principles
    • Those 5 practices won’t mean anything if we don’t implement it in your life
    • This can be difficult and painful at times, but it will set you free
    • Again, create a plan
      • Personal
      • Practical
      • Provable
    • Have a small group to keep you accountable
  • Ending:
    • The truth transforms me
    • John 8:31-32
    • What has God already told you in His Word that you have not started doing yet?

Day 25: Transformed by Trouble

  • Problems force us to look to Christ and not ourselves
  • Everything happens for a reason
    • We know – through the Bible we know the ultimate goal
    • Everything – all events in your life work together
    • For the good – God works everything for good to those that follow Him
    • According to His purpose
    • Building Christlike character
  • Responding to problems like Jesus
    • Remember God’s plan is good – focus on that and not your pain or problems
      • Corrie Ten Boom once said, “If you look at the world you’ll be distressed, if you look within you’ll be depressed, if you look to God you’ll be at rest.”
    • Rejoice and give thanks – our reward is in Heaven
    • Refuse to give up – be patient and persistent
  • Ending:
    • There is a purpose behind every problem
    • Rom 8:28
    • What problem in your life has caused the greatest growth in you?
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