The Purpose Driven Life (Days 38-40)

MikeBook Reviews

The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren

Day 38: Becoming a World-Class Christian

  • How do you think like a world-class Christian?
    • Shift from self-centered thinking to other-centered thinking
    • Shift from local thinking to global thinking
    • Shift from here and now thinking to eternal thinking
    • Shift from thinking of excuses to thinking of creative ways to fulfil your commission
    • Pray
  • Ending:
    • The great commission is my commission
    • Ps 67:2
    • What steps can I take to go on a short-term mission trip in the next year?

Day 39: Balancing your life

  • Summarizing the 5 purposes for our lives:
    • Love God with all your heart
    • Love your neighbor as yourself
    • Go and make disciples
    • Baptize them into God’s family
    • Teach them to do all things
  • 4 activities for purpose driven living to keep you balanced in these 5 areas:
    • Joining a small group for accountability – we are meant to grow together, not separately
    • Regularly evaluating your spiritual health – take a spiritual health check and see where you need to improve
    • Recording your progress in a spiritual journal – we remember what we record
    • Passing along what you learn to others – this is a responsibility, not an option
  • Ending:
    • Blessed are the balanced
    • Eph 5:15
    • Which of the 4 activities will I begin to stay on track and balance the 5 purposes God has for my life?

Day 40: Living on purpose

  • Most people struggle with 3 basic issues in life:
    • Identity – who am I?
    • Importance – do I matter?
    • Impact – what is my place in life?
  • Develop a life purpose statement:
    • Summarizes God’s purpose for your life
    • Points the direction of your life
    • Defines success for you
    • Clarifies your roles
    • Expresses your SHAPE
  • 5 Questions you should consider when developing the statement:
    • What will be the center of your life? Christ
    • What will be the character of your life? His
    • What will be the contribution of your life? Serve others
    • What will be the communication of your life? Witness for Him
    • What will be the community of your life? Love His family
  • Ending:
    • Living on purpose is the only way to really live
    • Acts 13:36
    • When will it take the time to answer life’s 5 greatest questions? When will I put my life’s purpose on paper?
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